Friday, May 19, 2017

Google have announced Kotlin as an Official Language for Android Devlovpment

Google have just announced Kotlin is an officially supported
 by Google for devloping of the android. Kotlin is devloped by
 the JetBrains that means 'First Class' language for 
devlopment of Android is Kotlin.

Details of Kotlin Language :

- Kotlin is similar to JAVA and It's an Object Oriented Programming Language

- Kotlin runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). 

- Kotlin functionality is the Cleaner SyntaxFunctional ProgrammingEnhancement of Java

- Kotlin also runs on the MAC OS

- With the help of Kotlin you will be able to send money with Google Assistant.

Why Kotlin ?

- Kotlin is devloped by JetBrains which is currently devloping the World Best IDEs.

- Kotlin compiles to JVM or JavaScript both.

- Kotlin language cames from the Industries not in Academics.

-Kotlin have nothing cost for Adoption

- Kotlin Program can also uses the Java Libraries

- Biggest Advantage is It can learn in Few Hours !!! 

- Kotlin become starting to popular for Android Devlopers.

- Kotlin have also Strong support of cmmerical compnies

- It haslow risk because it's based on the Java API.

What Is The Difference Between VPN VS Proxy VS Smart DNS?

VPN vs Proxy vs Smart DNS
VPN, Proxy Server and Smart DNS are the three terms that share a lot of similarities with some minor difference. The three technologies or techniques serve a common purpose of providing access to blocked websites. However, there are some keen aspects that we need to explore to understand the differences among them. Each of the three techniques comes with some advantages and limitations. By understanding the differences, it becomes a lot easier for every user to choose the best option to suit the requirements. There are many factors that differentiate between VPN vs Proxy vs Smart DNS techniques.

Watch out below to get details VPN vs Proxy vs Smart DNS

VPN vs Proxy vs Smart DNS

Difference between VPN vs Proxy vs Smart DNS

  1. WorkingVirtual Private Network (VPN) directs all the transfer of data between your device and the remote website through a server. All the data is encrypted while it passes through a tunnel created between your personal device and the server. Proxy servers work in a similar manner without any encryption of data. Smart DNS directs your connection to particular servers that can access the desired website.
  • EncryptionData encryption is achieved only through a VPN. VPN provides extra encryption to the data using secure encryption protocols. There is no encryption of data in case of a Proxy Server or a Smart DNS.
  • Speed: When it comes to speed, Smart DNS works the best and provides high streaming speed. Proxy Server is a bit slower than the Smart DNS because of the latency issues. VPN provides the worst streaming speed among all of them. The reason behind the slow speed is the time that is required to encrypt and decrypt the data. Free VPN, in particular, are extremely slow and does not offer a good experience.
  • Safety: Safety is one of the main issues when it comes to transferring files over the internet or carrying out transactions. VPN are considered the safest option as the data travels in the encrypted form. Thus, there is no possibility of a middle man stealing your data or privacy. Smart DNS are considered to be least safe as they just focus on providing access to geo-restricted websites. Proxy Servers are also not reliable for transferring important files.
  • Cost: Virtual Private Networks are available in two categories: Free VPN services and Premium VPN Services. Free VPN services are always heavily crowded as they are free and thus the access speed can suffer. Premium VPN services offer reasonably good access speed but you need to buy the services. Proxy Servers are usually available for free but there are a few paid servers as well. Smart DNS are never available for free and thus you need to pay a reasonable amount to avail the services. Some smart DNS may provide a free trial period.
  • Identity Hiding: The identity of a user is determined by the IP address of the connection. There are specific IP addresses allocated to different geographical locations. All the three technologies change your actual IP address to a different IP address that may be of the intermediate server. In this way, your location and identity remain hidden.
  • Thursday, May 18, 2017

    Important Programming Languages for Hackers

    Since programming is essential for hacking because a hacker is someone who breaks a protocol or an application security which is programmed in a certain programming language and to hack an application a hacker needs to understand the logic of that app, find flaw and the exploit it. So a hacker must learn a couple of programming languages to complete his task. So checkout the important programming languages for hackers and where to apply it.

    Programming Languages for Hackers

    There are lots of computer languages but few are required for hacking purpose because in most cases it depends upon target. There are basically three sections ― Web Hacking and Pentesting, Exploit Writing & Reverse Engineering and each of it requires different coding.
    Programming languages for Web Hacking and Pentesting
    If you’re interested in web hacking and pentesting, then you must learn learn below mentioned languages at-least basic and intermediate level.
    • HTML : Always began with basic basic and HTML is important and most basic markup language. One should know it very well to understand web action, response, structure and logic. HTML is static markup language.
    • JavaScript : JavaScript : JavaScript is the most used as client-side programming. You should learn it on high priority mode. Understanding JavaScript code logic can help you find web-apps flaw.
    • SQL : SQL is database programming language. Each and every data is stored in database so you should know about database programming and vulnerability as it is the most sensitive part of Web.
    • PHP : PHP is most popular dynamic programming language, unlike JavaScript It is server-side programming language. PHP is strongly recommended to every beginner in Hacking and Penetration testing.

    Programming Languages for writing Exploits

    Exploit writing is advance part of Hacking, It requires higher level of programming language. Every professional hacker must know Exploit Writing, It can be done in any programming language like C, C++, Ruby, Python etc.
    • C : The mother of all programming language, C is most used in software creation for Linux, Windows etc… However it is also used for Exploit writing and development. I would prefer to learn C first and recommend to you as well.
    • Python : Python is most used language for exploit writing, It is highly recommended you to learn Python Socket Programming because it helps lot learning exploit creation.
     • Ruby : A simple but complicated object-oriented programming language. Ruby is very useful in exploit writing. It is used for meterpreter scripting and do you know Metasploit Framework itself programmed in Ruby.

    Programming languages for Reverse Engineering

    • Assembly Language : Assembly is low level programming language but very complicated. One can instruct a machine hardware or software using Assembly language. Reverse Engineers uses Assembly language, and if you want to learn Reverse Eng, you must need to learn Assembly language.

    Final Words:

    Finally one more thing, programming languages for hacking also depends upon what program you want to hack, for example; if a web-app in coded in ASP.NET then you can’t hack it using PHP knowledge, although you can understand logic but it will be harder, so always make sure what you wanna hack and in which programming the app is coded.

    Switch Vs Router: Differences And Comparison Of Their Working Functionalities

    ROUTER SWITCH DIFFERENCEShort Bytes: Switch vs router – which one works where? Which one should be used for faster communication and which one is more secure? Well, we answer all the aspects of using a switch and a router in this article.
    Switches are very popular as a layer two device whereas a router is very famous for being a layer three device. So, what is that something special that makes router the most popular layer three device? We will take a look at all the differences and functional aspects of a switch and a router
    Let’s take a look:

    Switch vs Router — Comparison and differences

    Switch’s properties:

    • Works at the Data link layer of the OSI layer
    • Uses ‘filter and forwarding’ when it receives a data packet in form of a frame
    • A virtual LAN can be created using a Switch which inside the same LAN separates the LANs and make them virtual to each other
    • Usually comes with 24 to 48 ports
    • Transmits Frames (layer 2 packets) and Layer 3 packets of the OSI model
    • Uses its software for admin access and other configurations
    • Has its own memory for memorizing the devices connected over to the network
    • Can learn the MAC addresses and stores those addressed in a CAM (Content Addressable Memories)
    • Supports Half as well as full duplex transmission mode
    • A hub has only one broadcast domain
    • Can support Spanning tree protocol
    • No packet collisions occur commonly inside a Switch
    • No dynamic sharing of the bandwidth

    Router’s properties:

    • Connects more than two networks unlike a Switch
    • Works as a traffic police to direct a data packet
    • Can be used for LAN, MAN, and WAN
    • Its packet is called a packet unlike a frame at layer two and electrical signal at layer one
    • It works at layer three or also known as network layer of the OSI layer
    • It usually has 2-4-8 ports
    • It also stored Ip addresses in a table called Routing table and from there, it decides where to send the data packet
    • In router, every port has its own broadcast domain
    • Dynamic bandwidth sharing
    • Faster processing than a switch
    • Can perform Network Address Translations (NAT)

    Working differences — Switch vs router

    Before you proceed to further reading, have a look at the basic concepts of the different networking devices and hardware types — hub, switch, router, modem, bridge, repeater.
    Let’s say around fifty computers are connected in a local area network. In the network, there is also a common resource from where computers can download data locally. So, this network forms a kind of a private network. However, when one of the computers would want to get some data from online sites like Facebook or Google, they will have to go to the internet and fetch the data and that makes a public network
    So, when a computer wants to access a public network, it sends a data packet to the Switch which is the next immediate device in terms of data transmission. The switch opens up the packet and looks for the destination where the request packet wants to go.
    The packet is directed for the public internet or world wide internet and Switch has no idea about it. So, Switch forwards this packet to the router — ‘The default gateway’. A router works as a gateway that is more like it is a door to the outside world and gets the data that a particular computer wants.
    However, inside the campus, all the computers are a part of the private network which is not known to the outside world. So, it tweaks the private packet into the public packet and vice versa. This is called NATting which we will cover in the later topics.

    Google Researcher Finds Link Between WannaCry Attacks and North Korea

    So far, nobody had an idea that who was behind WannaCry ransomware attacks?

    But now there is a clue that lies in the code.

    Neel Mehta, a security researcher at Google, found evidence that suggests the WannaCry ransomware, that infected 300,000 machines in 150 countries over the weekend, is linked to a state-sponsored hacking group in North Korea, known for cyber attacks against South Korean organizations.

    What's Happening? What is WannaCry?

    This is the fifth day since the WannaCry ransomware attack surfaced, that leverages a critical Windows SMB exploit and still infecting machines across the world using newly released variants that don't have any "kill switch" ability.

    In case, if you have landed on WannaCry story for the first time, and don’t know what’s going on, you are advised to also read this simple, summarized, but detailed explanation:

    WannaCry: First Nation-State Powered Ransomware?

    Neel discovered that the code found in the WannaCry malware—one that first surfaced in February—was identical to the code used in an early 2015 version of Cantopee, a malicious backdoor developed by Lazarus Group, believed to be a state-sponsored hacking group linked to the North Korean government.

    Security researchers from Kaspersky Lab, Intezer, Symantec, and Comae Technologies immediately followed the tip from Neel and confirmed a strong link between WannaCry and other malware families, including Lazarus, Joanap, and Brambul, which suggests WannaCry was written or modified by the same author.
    Operating since at least 2011, Lazarus Group of hackers believed to be responsible for the 2013 DarkSeoul operation, the devastating 2014 Sony Pictures Hack, and the 2016 Bangladesh $81 Million bank heist.

    However, this finding is not yet sufficient to link the Lazarus Group to WannaCry, because it is possible that WannaCry authors may have purposely copied code from Lazarus' backdoor program in an attempt to mislead researchers and law enforcement as they investigate.
    "We believe that there are sufficient connections to warrant further investigation. We will continue to share further details of our research as it unfolds," says Symantec, the security firm which has tracked the Lazarus over recent years.

    Agreeing to the same, Matt Suiche from Comaeio said:

    "The attribution to Lazarus Group would make sense regarding their narrative which in the past was dominated by infiltrating financial institutions in the goal of stealing money. If validated, this means the latest iteration of WannaCry would, in fact, be the first nation state powered ransomware."

    Is the WannaCry Attack Over? *NO*

    Absolutely Not; this is just the beginning.

    Security researchers have discovered some new variants of this ransomware, which could not be stopped by the kill switch, so you are advised to make sure you have applied the patch for SMB vulnerability and disabled SMBv1 protocol to keep your Windows computers safe from WannaCry and other similar attacks.

    The WannaCry attackers demand ransom fees between $300 to $600 to free the hijacked data. The three bitcoin wallets tied to #WannaCry ransomware have received 225 payments totaling 35.98003282 BTC (approx. $60,000) from ransomware victims.

    10 Must Apps for the Programmers if they want to be professional

    Every Programmer should know that with a well-equipped hardware we need a good software to utilize the resources as a programmer you will code every day.

    Here are some apps that will help you on the Go


    If you want a code editor for android DroidEdit is the Best Editor for you, compatableI can say it is packed with features like deep search and keyboard shortcuts.It also does the Code highlighting for C++, Java, Ruby and may more.


    If you are in need for a tool that transfers the code to the Android phones from the Eclipse Project in a snap you need to use the AIDE, Incompatible with services like dropbox giving the users the ability to store the projects in the cloud.

    3.Syntax Highlighted Code Editor

    Syntax Highlighted Code Editor is an App that most programmers who are web developers who like to work from their phone, The code editor is very light but it packs a punch of Syntax Highlighting Tools allowing you to edit HTML, CSS, PHP, effectivlelyC/C++ and just about every programming language.

    4. C4droid

    If you are a C- programming junkie then C4droid is the best code editor uses the popular GNU based architecture and GCC collection Framework and lets you effectively.


    Algoid is the app that you will need to have on the android device. It includes the real time debugger and the scope explorer with provides step by step execution mode. Algoid can turn your android device into real programming workstation.

    6.Programming Hub

    Programming Hub is the app for the python, Assembly, HTML, C, VB.NET, C++, programmingC#, JavaScript, PHP and Java Programming it is good for the beginners and a well as the professional program.


    If you are learning Programming Udacity is the best app for free video courses you can sit in your home and enjoy the courses the offered by the App, contains you can keep your lifestyle while using the app.

    8.C++ Programming

    This C++ Programming app provides you with C++ Tutor contains 140 Programs and Many FAQ and Important questions, The apps consist of a good user interface and can a be easily understood by the users.

    9.Programmer KeyBoard

    Most Programmers try to get the work done by using their phone keyboards but this can be a real pain in the Thumbs, The Programmer Keyboard App gives you access to important keys like Ctrl, Alt, Arrow which usually your phones won’t support.

    10.DroidScript Programming IDE

    DroidScript is a Javascript based Dev Environment that lets you use your computer as the remote IDE over Wi-Fi, It supports most capabilities, including GPS, compass,camaera and accelerometer, along with both native and HTML5 Controls, iT can interact send and receive SMS email and create home page shortcuts.

    Parrot Security OS 3.6 Released With New Derivative “Parrot Air” For Wireless Hacking

    parrot os 3.5
     Frozenbox Network has released the latest version of Parrot Security OS. Powered by custom Linux 4.9 kernel, Parrot Security OS 3.6 focuses on polishing the user experience and working environment. This release promises a lesser memory-intensive experience. Parrot 3.6 also introduces a new derivate named Parrot Air, which is built specifically for wireless testing.
    Earlier this year in March, I told you about the release of Parrot Security OS 3.5, which was powered by Linux kernel 4.9.13 and Debian GNU/Linux 9 Stretch. Now, after few months of hard work, the Parrot Security team is here with the next release of this Kali Linux alternative, i.e., Parrot 3.6.
    Parrot Security OS 3.6 doesn’t come with many noticeable new features and functionalities. The announcement post of this ethical hacking distro also mentions this. With this release, the developers have aimed to make the existing tools and environment better.

    Changes and improvements in Parrot Security OS 3.6:

    Apart from the polishing part, work has been done to make Parrot Security OS 3.6 less memory-hungry. This was done by tuning up startup daemons management system and minor fixes. As a result, Parrot 3.6 Lite 32-bit now uses less than 200MB RAM.
    In this journey of overall improvement, work has been done to make Anonsurf better. Now, the anonymity and privacy section is reliable and well-tested.
    Parrot devs mention that they wish to focus more on Lite and Studio editions as Parrot Core is also suitable for different general purpose derivate projects.

    Parrot Air For Wireless testing

    This release also brings a new Parrot OS derivative named Parrot Air. It’s similar to Parrot Full and comes with tools dedicated solely for wireless testing. Parrot team says that Parrot Air is just a proof of concept that’ll be improved in future.
    You can read more about Parrot Security OS 3.6 release here.
    To download the ISO and torrent files, visit the download page.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2017

    All-in-one Messenger – FacebookMessenger, WhatsApp, Skype and many more in one window

    All-in-one Messenger, a simple Google Chrome add-ons which combines chat and messaging services into one simple application. In this Chrome app we are able to use Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Google Hangouts and many more. all-in-one-messenger

    The Chrome app suports more than 30 chat services such as
    • WhatsApp
    • Skype
    • Google Hangouts
    • Facebook Messenger
    • Steam
    • GroupMe
    • Yahoo Messenger
    • Flowdock
    • Telegram
    • WeChat
    • Discord
    • Tencent QQ
    • XMPP
    • HipChat
    • Wire
    • Mattermost
    • Rocket.Chat
    • DingTalk
    • Dasher
    • Noysi
    • BearyChat
    • Missive
    • Zalo
    • Crisp
    • Flock and many more.
    It lets you to mute services individually which is very useful and also works really well to have multiple messaging services running simultaneously in one window rather than needing to switch either apps.
    Currently this app isn’t fully integrated with Windows 10 your desktop notifications won’t appear in Action Center.

    Tuesday, May 16, 2017

    Bill Gates Just Gave A 14 Tweet Career Advice For Students, Told His Biggest Regret

    Bill Gates
    It’s a widely known thing that people want to take advice from the ones who have tasted success in their lives. And who would be better than the world’s richest man when it comes to finding some enlightenment regarding the career aspect.
    The 61-year-old American businessman turned philanthropist reach out twitter and posted series of 14 tweets filled with his experiences, ideas, opinions, and regret. Gates said that he had little idea about how injustice prevails in the world when he completed his school, that’s one big thing he regrets.
    Note: Link to the video in the first tweet is mentioned below.
    Bill Gates 14 Tweet Advice
    Did you find this helpful? Drop your thoughts and feedback.

    Learn How To Master The Most Beginner-friendly Programming Language In 70 Hours

    python programming
    In today’s competitive world, those with the coding skills are in more demand. This fact has been established in numerous survey and studies. So, this brings us to the question — Which is the perfect programming language to start a career in programming? The answer to this question could be many, but, without a doubt, learning Python is a great way to start.
    Python is a relatively simpler programming language that a beginner can start learning. It’s known for the simpler, no-tantrum syntax and easy readability. So, to help you out, Fossbytes Academy is here with 95% off on Python Power Coder Bonus Bundle, which is available for a limited time.
    As this bundle is a perfect place to start, you don’t need to be having pre-requisite knowledge of Python. By learning this simple, yet powerful language people can turn their ideas into reality.
    Available for just $44 (95% off), this bundle brings 70 hours of resume-enhancing content. Here’s what’s included in this bundle:
    • The Developers’ Guide to Python 3 Programming
    • Step by Step: Build a Data Analysis Program
    • The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
    • The Complete Computer Vision Course with Python
    • Learn Python 3 from Scratch
    • Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming – Build 7 Apps
    • Python Web Programming
    • Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python
    So, don’t miss this great offer and make your first big step into the world of programming with Grab it here from Fossbytes Academy.
    All the best ðŸ˜‰

    Googler: Now You Can Google From Linux Terminal!

    A quick question: What do you do every day? Of course, a lot of things. But I can tell one thing, you search on Google almost every day (if not every day). Am I right?
    Now, if you are a Linux user (which I’m guessing you are) here’s another question: wouldn’t it be nice if you can Google without even leaving the terminal? Without even firing up a Browser window?
    If you are a *nix enthusiast and also one of those people who just love the view of the terminal, I know your answer is – Yes. And I think, the rest of you will also like the nifty little tool I’m going to introduce today. It’s called Googler!

    Googler: Google in your Linux terminal

    Googler is a straightforward command-line utility for Google-ing right from your terminal window. Googler mainly supports three types of Google Searches:
    • Google Search: Simple Google searching, equivalent to searching onGoogle homepage.
    • Google News Search: Google searching for News, equivalent to searching on Google News.
    • Google Site Search: Google searching for results from a specific site.
    Googler shows the search results with the title, URL and page excerpt. The search results can be opened directly in the browser with only a couple of keystrokes.
    Googler Interface

    Installation on Ubuntu

    Let’s go through the installation process first.
    At first make sure you have python version 3.3 or later using this command:
    python3 --version
    If not, upgrade it. Googler requires python 3.3+ for running.
    Though Googler is yet not available through package repository on Ubuntu, we can easily install it from the GitHub repository. All we have to do is run the following commands:
    cd /tmp
    git clone
    cd googler
    sudo make install
    cd auto-completion/bash/
    sudo cp googler-completion.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/
    And that’s it. Googler is installed along with command autocompletion feature.

    Features & Basic Usage

    If we go through all its features, Googler is actually quite powerful a tool. Some of the main features are:
    • Interactive Interface: Run the following command in terminal:
      The interactive interface will be opened. The developer of Googler, Arun Prakash Jana calls it the omniprompt. You can enter ? for available commands on omniprompt.
      Googler OmniPrompt Help
      Googler OmniPrompt Help
      From the omniprompt, enter any search phrases to initiate the search. You can then enter n or p to navigate next or previous page of search results.
      To open any search result in a browser window, just enter the index number of that result. Or you can open the search page itself by entering o .
    • News Search: If you want to search News, start googler with the N optional argument:
      googler -N
      The subsequent omniprompt will fetch results from Google News.
    • Site Search: If you want to search pages from a specific site, run googler with w {domain} argument:
      googler -w
      The subsequent omniprompt with fetch results only from It’s FOSS blog!
    • Manual Page: Run the following command for Googler manual page equipped with various examples:
      man googler
    • Google country/domain specific search:
      googler -c in "hello world"
      The above example command will open search results from Google’s Indian domain (in for India).
    • Filter search results by duration and language preference.
    • Google search keywords support, such as: or filetype:pdfetc.
    • HTTPS proxy support.
    • Shell commands autocomplete.
    • Disable automatic spelling correction.
    There are much more. You can twist Googler to suit your needs.
    Googler can also be integrated with a text-based browser ( like – elinks, links,lynx, w3m etc.), so that you wouldn’t even need to leave the terminal for browsing web pages. The instructions can be found on the GitHub project page of Googler.
    If you want a graphical demonstration of Googler’s various features, feel free to check the terminal recording attached to the GitHub project page : jarun/googler v2.7 quick demo.