Sunday, April 9, 2017

Facebook Launches M — Its New Digital Assistant For Messenger

messenger m facebook
Short Bytes: Facebook has officially rolled out M, its digital assistant for Messenger app. This rollout has initially taken place in the United States, which will be followed by the worldwide release. Initially, Facebook has started with some particular actions–ride sharing, plan making, location sharing and more–that will be supported by M. 
Back in 2015, we wrote about M, Facebook’s new personal digital assistant. Back then, Facebook confirmed that it was testing its digital assistant codenamed Moneypenny. Facebook called it a new service inside Messenger that would complete tasks and look for information on your behalf. Powered by AI, M was supposed to be trained and supervised by real people.
Now, in 2017, Facebook has rolled out its digital assistant to all Messenger users in the United States. In an official Facebook post, the blue social network confirmed this. The company said that M will offer suggestions to people by starting an open conversation for suggesting content. This will let people get things done and help them communicate in a better way, Facebook adds.
The company said that M will offer suggestions to people by starting an open conversation for suggesting content. This will let people get things done and help them communicate in a better way, Facebook added.
Since 2015, the company has tested M and learned how to build a completely automated version of M. As a result of the great success, Facebook says, M has been rolled out to all the Messenger users in the States.
M uses AI machine learning techniques. To use it, the users simply need to chat with a friend/group and M may make suggestions relevant to different actions. Along with M’s logo, the suggestion will appear. Just like any other AI-based service, M will learn more as you’ll use it.
Initially, M will include following actions by recognizing the intent of the user:
  • Sending stickers
  • Paying/requesting money
  • Location sharing
  • Making plans
  • Starting a poll in group
  • Getting a ride
facebook messenger mAfter the US rollout, the worldwide release of M digital assistant for Facebook Messenger will take place. You can read more about Messenger’s digital assistant M in Facebook’s announcement post.

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