Monday, April 3, 2017

Why Android O Version Is Cool

Android O
Since the advent of Android operating system in the touch screen devices like mobiles and tablets. It has grown to be the most used software. By the end of 2013 2.5 million users used Android in US everyday. Android was originally designed by Android Inc. and Open handset Alliance basing the core design on the Linux Kernel Technology. In 2005, Google first introduced Android to the market. By 2007 it became the leading operating system on cell phones and other devices like AndroidTV. There are several versions of Android like Jellybean, KitKat, Lolipop and Marshmallow. Each of them further has versions within them. The latest release of Google is Android O.

The main reasons for preferring Android O

Android O
The latest version of Android brought by Google doesn’t have too many new features but have rather developed the old features. This has AndroidO very desirable amongst people. Another main reason for it being cool is the introduction of background limiting to ensure more battery life.Android O shall limit the running of the applications in the background with the help of tweaking implicit broadcasts, location update and background services. For example, if you start checking your Facebook while playing Pokémon Go. The locations updates required for Pokémon Go (now running in the background) shall be limited.

What are the other facilities you can get while usingAndroid O?

Android O. Introduction of notification channels: this update gives you the facility to receive group notifications in one app. The notification channels in this app shall show you notifications of various social media apps. In this way you do not have to run all the apps to get updates and this in turn shall save the juice of your battery.
. Snooze notification: in case you miss some important message. You can now snooze it and the message shall later appear on your lock screen again after 15, 20 or 60 minutes.
. Adding shortcuts on the lock screen: the default shortcuts on the lock screen are the microphone, the Google assistant and the rear camera. With these you can add any and every app’s shortcut on the lock screen including the front camera.
. Picture on picture support: this is been another trend setting development in Android O. you can now watch a video and reply to your friend by allowing thr video to run in the foreground. That is videos can run in the foreground along with other apps.
. Use of HiFi audio streaming: over Bluetooth and LDAC, HiFi audio streaming can now be done. Also you can now connect to other devices without using internet with Wi-Fi which has been made more aware.
. Introduction of keyboard shortcuts: proving a better support for Devs and Webviews, the keyboard’s navigation support has been improved inAndroid O. You can feel the difference if you use an Android Tablet or surf in Google Chrome through your phone.
. Adaptive icons: These icons are introduced so that the consistency of the UIs is maintained through all the companies making Android smartphones.

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